generally more helpful around the house. In turn, I now have a more understanding wife who says that she enjoys a new feeling of impor- tance since I've become more openly demonstrative in appreciation of her feminine qualities. Very soon she will attend her first club meeting. She's ready now, and I feel confidant that from this point on our love can only grow greater.

*** ***

Editor's Note: Some months have passed since this was written. During this time April's wife has been to a number of dress up af- fairs and has become a strong supporter of what the local FPE chap- ter is trying to do. This shows the change which can come about in a wife's attitude when the subject is presented clearly and without guilt and shame.

April, for her part has developed markedly also--to such an extent that she was elected First Lady of theAlpha Chapter of FPE. Her picture appears on page 42 of this issue.


Many readers of TRANSVESTIA have purchased the catalog of Custom Made dresses by John Aaron, and a good many have ordered dresses from it. However, individual made-to-measure dresses are of necessity expensive so many others have not been able to avail themselves of John's beautiful designs.

In an effort to remedy this situation John has designed a simple yet lovely little dress which, because it is offered in the standard dress sizes and in selected fabrics only can be offered at ONLY $19.95. Seldom can one get a really nice dress worth wear- ing for less than this. It is the hope of both John Aaron and your Editor that this little dress will ring a bell (belle) with lots of you girls and that you will be sending in orders. If this offer- ing meets with enough interest John promises to work up some more inexpensive items for us.

Remember that this dress is offered in standard sizes so please specify when ordering. If you have some particular figure problem not adaptable to standard sizes write John about it. He may be able to revise the pattern to accomodate you. There would have to be an extra charge for such individual modifications but he will quote them upon request. Do not order from Chevalier but directly from JOHN AARON 6766 Wedgewood Dr. Hollywood 28, California.
